Telling Time by Jules Older is an informational book that I think can be very useful when introducing the concept of time. It breaks it down to what time is and how to tell time. Although this was a picture book, it was almost set of like a chapter book for grades 1-2. It had short sections like when things happen, how long things take, why do we tell time, and how do we tell time. It describes time in big chunks. There are three kinds of little chunks: seconds, minutes, and hours.
I thought this book would be very helpful to use in the classroom because it even breaks down what a calendar is. It briefly explains the days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Then it explains how a calendar has months and every month has its own name: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Using both days and months, you can now tell dates from a calendar.
It also explains how big chunks of time are days, weeks, months, years, decades, centuries, and millenniums.
The students can learn how to tell time from both digital and analog clocks from this book.

Digital clocks are broken down by minutes and hours and A.M. and P.M. Analog clocks are broken down by three hands: big hand, little hand, and seconds hand.
The book also includes a poem to remember how big each chunk of time is and how long things take.
I think this was a great informational book. It included a lot of detailed information that can be used to guide the students on how to learn about time. It's a great grab for younger grades 1-2!